Friday 7 January 2022

Climate Change 1

photo sources: Climate change in Indonesia nowadays is very strange. The estimation of weather is unpredictable. Therefore, It has an impact on almost every aspect, especially on agriculture and the economy. Living with my father as a farmer and mother as a handicraft maker of fish containers from bamboo is touching. In the agricultural sector, farmers have estimated the schedule between harvest time, soil processing, planting, to cultivate carefully but the weather does not support it. The sudden action of rain accompanied by wind that hit the area of the village where we lived was destroyed. Many large trees collapsed on fields, homes, power lines, and internet lines. It makes it difficult for farmers to repeat the process of planting again because of a pandemic that limits all human activities. The result of the harvesting was quite far from expectation due to limited distribution as well. It's the same with my mother's work. My mother's production also depends on the state of the fish in the sea. If the sea conditions there are no moon or big waves or rain plus wind then the fishermen do not catch fish. Thus, in this effort the price of mother's craft decreased and the length of time the trader took mother's craft far away.
Sources: Recycle bin made Mlokorejo village where I live. Something that inspired me from climate change in Indonesia is the awareness of conservation of nature. A small example is my neighbor starting to plant near a house that is neatly arranged with shelves from wood. Even though their intention is only to make their house look beautiful and enjoyable, that is awesome. My neighbor and I share our plant seedlings that we have with our neighbor. I found some wild plants on the street, then I took care of it and added it to my small park. The school side also transforms into more paperless because almost everything is collected online or submitted on a learning system school platform. The examination system in some schools is also android-based so it is more flexible and efficient. The development of young volunteers who do real action of conservation of the biodiversity of trash on the sea. It is a MUDFISH organization state in Bali. The activities include workshops, training, and direct field practice. Through this organization, people who are more optimistic save the earth and campaign the waste at sea both offline and active on social media.
. For more information about MUDFISH please check it out on instagram @MUDFISH. Hopefully it is helpful. Created by Mia. #Earth.Optimism.For.Access


Abdullah Syahira Antoni said...

your story is very touching. We can't imagine what it would be like if we were in your position right now. Unpredictable weather due to these changes will greatly affect your family's income. It is undeniable that during the pandemic the situation is getting more difficult which limits human activities. we are now in quite a fierce situation. Corona pandemic and climate change are the big challenges we are facing today.

Save The Earth by EM said...

I'm sorry about what your parents been through. You're not alone, I believe there's a lot of people facing the same problem currently. And yes I am same with you, my paddy field is totally in mess after the flood. I can't feel the harvest of my paddy anyway. But we have to find the solution of this problem soon. We can't just let it happen right?

abigailwilliamson said...

Thank you for sharing about your family and community Ranger Miyah!